Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Signage and Grain Dryer Going Up

Construction of the new grain dryer at the elevator is underway. The dryer should be up and running for this harvest.

This dryer is twice the size of the current dryer, thus tripling our grain drying capacity. With the increase in corn acres this year, this dryer will allow us to keep up and keep harvesting. The last few years have been cool growing seasons, so we have had to take the corn off wet (last year at 24% moisture) and dry it, otherwise we'd be facing a spring harvest which would put major stress on our labor and time. We also want to take the crop off as soon as it is ready. If left in the field there is concern that hail, disease, etc. might set in and ruin an otherwise good crop.

If you are driving through Hurdsfield, you may notice we now have Weckerly Farms signs near Highways 3 and 200, making it easier for trucks, deliveries, and anyone else trying to find us.

Thanks to Mann Signs for the good work!

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