This past weekend was the North Dakota Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher conference held in Fargo. Young farmers and ranchers from across the state gathered to connect with each other, learn about social media and some current legislative issues facing farmers and ranchers in North Dakota.
NDFB's Public Policy Director, Sandy Clark talks about the petition drive to put a measure on the November 2012 ballot initiating a constitutional amendment safeguarding farming and ranching in North Dakota. I'll be posting more on this topic later.
We listened to speaker Michele Payn-Knoper talk about ag-advocacy ("agvocacy").
She also held a break-out session the next day where we discussed ways to reach out and educate people about agriculture.
Friday night's activities included a panel of bloggers discussing agvocacy using social media.
Chad tried his hand at roping on one of the "So You Think You Can Ranch?" teams and actually didn't do too badly!
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